Experience in advising investors on processing the terms of reference and in supporting suppliers in bids preparation stage in MEAT (Most Economically Advantageous Tenders) or BVP (Best Value Procurement) projects. We helped with the preparation of contracts and selection of suppliers, as well as supervising bids in building construction projects, plant deliveries and civil engineering projects, including transport infrastructure. Our team advised in contracts worth over 1 billions USD. We participate in preparation of methodologies and standards.

Terms of Reference Drafting
- Coordination of Technical Specifications Drafting
- Appropriate Evaluation Model Recommendations including Criteria and Weights Choice
- Appropriate Qualification Requirements Recommendations
Bids Supervision
- Methodical Support of the Evaluation Committee
- Preparation of Draft Protocols/Minutes of Review, Evaluation of Tenders, Qualification Assessment
Market Consultations
Meet the Buyer
- Preparation and Conducting of Preliminary Market Consultations in Written, On-site or Combined Form
- Preparation and Conducting of "Meet the Buyer" Sessions
- Settlement of Vendor Queries (across all Phases)
Standard Form of Contract
- Analysis of Needs and Requirements
- Appropriate Standard Form of Contract Recommendation
- Specific Clauses Drafting